Do we need a news compass?

7 Maggio 2021 Segreteria FontanaMIX

Progetto biennale


Do we need a new compass?
A European project for Contemporary Music

Das Neue Ensemble Hannover DNE

Daniel Agi, fl
Udo Grimm, cl
Christof Hahn, pi
Jasmin-Isabel Kühne, hrp
Josje ter Haar, vl
Jessica Kühn, vcl

Chia Yin Ling (Taiwan, 1990) – WORLD PREMIERE
Andrea Sarto (Italy, 1979) – WORLD PREMIERE
Nicolas Tzortzis: …de ce qui est en lutte (2015) – 11’
Nicolas Tzortzis: Les Mystères du chateau du Dé (2018) – 21’ 
Vassos Nicolau: Anima (2010) – 12’

Birmingham Contemporary Music Group BCMG

Anne-Marie Zupancic, fl
Oli Janes, cl
Julian Warburton perc
John Reid, pi
Zoe Beyers, vl
NN cello

Daniele Ghisi (Italy, 1984) – WORLD PREMIERE
Andrea Sarto (Italy, 1979) – WORLD PREMIERE
Kaspar Querfurth (Germany, 1990) – WORLD PREMIERE
Celeste Oram: Pierrot Laborieux (2018) – 9’
Robert Reid Allan: Terry Helenson’s Revolutionary Dreams (2018) – 20’



Il progetto Do we need a new compass? è un progetto europeo che raggruppa tre ensemble provenienti da tre diverse da città, due delle quali premiate dall’UNESCO Città di Musica: Bologna, Birmingham e Hannover. Il progetto prevede che ogni l’ensemble suoni nelle due città ospitanti; a Liverpool – terza Città della Musica dell’UNESCO – verranno inoltre eseguiti i lavori commissionati a sette giovani compositori dal FMIX e finanziati dalla Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. Gli ensemble coinvolti sono il FontanaMIXensemble, il Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Das Neue Ensemble e il 10/10 Ensemble di Liverpool.


The project seeks to gather three ensembles fromthree cities, two of which awarded UNESCO City of Music: Bologna, Birmingham and Hannover. Each ensemble will therefore play in the two hosting cities; commissioned works are also going to be performed in a third UNESCO City of Music, Liverpool. The ensembles will be the FontanaMIXensemble, the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Das Neue Ensemble and the 10/10 Ensemble from Liverpool.
Seven brand new works will be commissioned by the FontanaMIXensemble and funded by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.


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