Composers/Conductors Workshop – II Edition

28 Gennaio 2022
Posted in Blog, Eventi
28 Gennaio 2022 Segreteria FontanaMIX

Deadline 31th March 2022

Composers/Conductors Workshop – II Edition

Dopo il successo della prima edizione l’ensemble indice la seconda edizione della call internazionale Composers/ Conductors Workshop, un progetto formativo il cui obiettivo è incentivare e valorizzare la figura professionale del compositore/ direttore, figura nella quale la sensibilità direttoriale s’intreccia profondamente con quella compositiva, così come la ricerca nella scrittura arricchisce di senso il rapporto con il fare musica.
Saranno selezionati tre compositori/direttori d’orchestra ciascuno per scrivere un nuovo brano per il FontanaMIXensemble. Novità di questa edizione: un ulteriore compositore/direttore d’orchestra sarà selezionato tra gli studenti del Conservatorio G.B. Martini di Bologna.



FontanaMIXensemble is pleased to present its second edition of the Composers/Conductors Workshop, whose objective is to encourage and enhance the professional figure of the composer/conductor, a role in which the conducting sensitivity is deeply intertwined with the composer’s intuition, in the same way as the research in writing enriches and gives meaning to the musical performance and interpretation.
Three composers/conductors will be selected to each write a new piece for the FontanaMIXensemble. One extra composer/conductor will be selected amongst the students of the Conservatory G.B. Martini of Bologna.
In the autumn 2022, a four days workshop will take place in which each selected composer/conductor will have the possibility to rehearse his/her own work and a piece from the contemporary music repertoire. A final concert with the four participants will take place at the end of the workshop. This concert will be part of the FontanaMIXensemble’s 2022 season.

Four composers/conductors will be appointed through a selection entrusted to a commission composed by the musicians of the
FontanaMIXensemble and chaired by a well known composer/conductor.
The call is open to composer/conductors by Thursday 31th March 2022.
Applicants from any age and nationality are welcome. Three scores are to be submitted electronically to the e-mail address due to Thursday 31th March by 11:59 pm Italian time.

We kindly request to submit scores which are orchestrated for no less than 5 instruments. Scores with soloists and/or singers are accepted. Compositions may include electronics.
A Curriculum Vitae which summarises the experience of the applicant, particularly regarding the activity as conductor, is also required for the application to be accepted.
A submission fee of 30€ is required to apply to the call (Associazione FontanaMix IBAN: IT37C0306909606100000003311 – BIC: BCITITMM). We kindly ask applicants to attach the payment receipt to the subscription e-mail.

A complete application should therefore include:

  • Applicant’s name and surname;
  • Title of each one of the three works;
  • Instrumentation of each work;
  • Duration of each work;
  • PDF of the scores;
  • Link to a recording (if available);
  • CV highlighting in particular the applicant’s conducting experience. A video link may also be attached to the application;
  • Payment’s receipt.

In case you have any doubt about the call and/or the selection process, please do not hesitate to send us an e- mail to

This project is undertaken in collaboration with the Conservatory G.B. Martini (Bologna, Italy).



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Intero 12 €
Under 30 9 €
Over 60 9 €
Under 18 5 €
Studenti €

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Giorgio Forni: presidente
Francesco La Licata: progetto artistico
Nicola Evangelisti: coordinamento tecnico
Alessandra Carbonaro: amministrazione e produzione
Peppe Ricci: sviluppo web
